Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Did You Hear That?

Compact, portable, light-weight, and attractive… these are all words that define our go-go-go and look-good-doing-it culture. Whether it’s a car, hand bag, package of gum, or our electronics, we want items that can fit our lifestyle. Since practically everyone has an iPod, Zune, or other variation of an mp3 player, I thought I would talk about the types of earphones available on the market today.

There are many variations but all promise to deliver one thing-- “music to your ears”. But which one is best…earbuds, sports headphones, ear-pad headphones, or full-size headphones? The truth is, they all have pros and cons but ultimately it’s what works best for you.

Earbud headphones are typically small, and are inserted into your ear canal. They are great at canceling out ambient noise that you may not necessarily want to hear (like the guy snoring next to you on your three hour plane trip) and can provide clear, crisp sound. On the other hand they can become quite uncomfortable after wearing them for long periods of time. I know that when I use them for extended periods, sometimes my ears start to feel a little sore. However, they are extremely compact. Usually, earbuds come standard with any portable player you purchase, but you can purchase aftermarket ones that provide a much better sound. Another advantage to these little guys is that they won’t mess up your hair-do and you can wear them, without interference, with earrings, glasses, or a hat.

Sports headphones are another type that you can purchase. I actually am considering upgrading my earbuds to these because they stay in place better when you’re moving around a lot. They come in a variety of styles. Some have vertical headbands, some are horizontal and wrap around that back of your head or neck, and some are not connected by a band at all and simply attach to your ear with soft padded ear clips. They are great for the gym and jogging and I feel they offer less “irritation” (Pun-Intended).

Next up are your more full-size models. These would probably be more useful at home than out in public, but they can provide a more dynamic sound and much better bass response. Ear-pad headphones and full-sized headphones can get extremely pricey but the sound that is delivered is unparalleled. Some can even offer Dolby Digital or surround sound capabilities.

BehindTheBuy offers a variety of headphones for anyone’s price range. Headphones also make a great gift idea. So take a look, pick a pair, and enjoy.




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