Sunday, May 17, 2009

Breathe in the Fresh Air

After watching the news recently, I began to think about the importance of having clean air to breathe. The global issues affecting our planet and the air we breathe are vast and complex; I will not pretend to know the answers for solving the world’s air pollution problems, although I would like to see an increase in the use of clean coal technologies. If you’re unsure what “Clean Coal” is or would like to learn more about it, you can click on these links to find out more:

Admittedly, global pollution issues may be outside of my scope (as an individual) so I would like to bring it a little closer to home. The air we breathe in our own home can be just as dangerous as the air we breathe outside. There are many types of allergens that can cause our bodies to be agitated and, as a result, may cause us to sneeze, cough, and itch. For those who react more severely to allergens-- someone with asthma, for example, the reaction may be more severe or life threatening. You can follow this link for some good information on airborne allergens:

We can protect ourselves and the ones we love, however, by cleaning the air we breathe at home with air purifiers. Purifiers are a great asset to any home and the benefits gained by using them will be realized, not only by you and your loved ones, but also by every person who passes through your door. You will immediately notice that you are coughing and sneezing less. Your throat won’t be as sore in the mornings when you wake up and you may even begin to realize that you feel more rested because you are breathing better when you are asleep.

There are various types of airborne allergens like pollen, cigarette smoke, dust, pet-dander, and mold (that you may or may not see) just to name a few. These allergens and many more can hide in all types of places if you’re not careful. Attics, basements, and garages are a breeding ground for mold and ceiling fans, curtains, and mini-blinds are sanctuaries for dust-mites, for example. Air purifying systems can help you win the battle against these intruders. So start breathing cleaner air while at home and tell me what you think about your new air purifiers.


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